About me
Hi, I am Kellie!
I live with my beautiful family South of Adelaide - my partner, two children and our two goofy American Staffies. We live close to the beach, and I get to drive home each day looking at the rolling hills. A view I am very thankful for.
I am a Registered Teacher - currently relief teaching at two schools in my local area. I am also a Student Success and Wellbeing Coach at a Registered Training Organisation. Between these two jobs, I decided to become a Baby Sleep Consultant. This is a career path I have been interested in since I had my first child 7 years ago, but it took me this long to take the leap.
Both of my children had different sleep issues, especially in that first year, and I found myself up in the middle of the night Googling all kinds of things about sleep training. None of which really helped because there was so much conflicting information out there. I decided to speak to a sleep consultant that changed my life, and now I want to do the same for YOU! Living and breathing parenthood with you, I will have absolutely no judgements and take this journey with you to navigate your child's sleep with pride.